Make Tempeh Taste Like Ground Beef

Perfect tempeh crumbles in blue bowl with black pan in background

tempeh is crumbled and simmered and placed in a white bowl

Learn to make perfect tempeh crumbles to maximize the flavor and texture of this tasty power food that stars in many of your favorite plant-based recipes.

tempeh is crumbled and simmered in vegetable broth

Tempeh may not be as familiar to you as it's cousin tofu, but make no mistake, it's is a fantastically versatile food that adds flavor and texture to an ever-growing list of plant-based recipes.

But there's a tick to making tempeh flavorful. Once you learn it, you'll be adding tempeh frequently to rave reviews at the table.

Tempeh is sliced and then crumbled by hand into pieces

What is tempeh anyway?

Tempeh (tem-pay) comes to us from Indonesia and is traditionally made from fermented soybeans. Fermenting means mold (Rhizopus Ogliosporus), and that's something to embrace, not resist. Mold creates the fermentation and holds the soybeans together in those firm blocks that tempeh is packaged in.

You want to be sure to read the package labels. It can be confusing when you see tempeh varieties called 'regular', then 'multigrain', or even 'flax).  The differences inform you that tempeh is sometimes made by adding other ingredients such as beans, grains, or even rice. I've even seen 'soy-free' tempeh made from hemp seeds and beans.

If you're a tempeh novice, my suggestion is starting with the soy and exploring other kinds once you have your feet firmly in tempeh territory. Personally, soy-based tempeh is my favorite in terms of flavor and texture.

Where to buy tempeh

The increasing popularity of tempeh means you'll find it in a lot of supermarkets, usually where the tofu lives. Look for the vegan/vegetarian cooler sections. It's also possible that you will find it frozen. If that's the case, bring it home and thaw it in the fridge before you start slicing and crumbling it.

What does tempeh taste like?

When I talk tempeh, I get a lot of 'I love it' or 'I hate it'. Sometimes, the latter response is happening as someone is enjoying a fourth bite of a deluxe tempeh burger!

Unlike tofu, tempeh has a distinct flavor and a chewy texture. What turned me off to tempeh the first time I ate it (in a restaurant) was a bitter flavor. No marinade, or cooking method, or additional spices or ingredients was going to change that.

Not to be deterred, I started experimenting and discovered that it's easy to get any bitterness or strong flavor out of tempeh and transform it into crumbles that are ready to take anywhere you want to go.

There are 2 methods you'll run into – steaming or simmering. Personally, I always use the simmering method because I like to infuse flavorful liquid and simmered tempeh gets soft and tender. This makes it happier to take on spices and sauces or even marinades.

Yes, crumbled tempeh is this easy

1. Start by cutting the tempeh block into smaller pieces. This makes it easier to handle for crumbling.

2. Crumble the tempeh into bite-sized pieces.

3. Add the tempeh plus about 5 cups of vegetable broth (this is for 8 ounces of tempeh). I always add a tablespoon of Tamari or soy sauce or an added depth of flavor.

4. Simmer the tempeh for 15-20 minutes. Make sure you have enough broth so that it does not completely dissipate.

5. Drain the tempeh using a colander (or strainer). Press the tempeh pieces again the side using the back of a spoon to get excess moisture out.

Now what?

Once you have your tempeh crumbled and simmered, it will be flavorful and soft and ready to serve your culinary needs. I use tempeh to enhance the flavor and texture of many dishes and also use it as tempeh 'meat'.

Grab your favorite recipe here!

Our original tempeh tacos

Loaded Tempeh Stew

Deluxe Tempeh Burgers

Tempeh Bolognese

Tempeh Asada Tacos

Tempeh Breakfast Sausage

Tempeh Mushroom Stroganoff

Final thoughts

The intent for learning to make perfect tempeh crumbles is not to recreate meat, it's about exploring a new (or favorite) ingredient and creating new ways to enjoy healthy food. Once you master making tempeh crumbles, you get to expand your eating horizons and that helps keep you moving forward in your chosen direction. Peace.

four pictures showing crumbling, simmering, draining, sauteing tempeh


make perfect Tempeh crumbles

a white bowl is filled with cooked and crumbled tempeh

Learn to make perfect tempeh crumbles to maximize the flavor and texture of this tasty power food that stars in many of your favorite plant-based recipes.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 8 ounces 1x
  • Category: Tips & Techniques
  • Cuisine: Plant-based
  • Diet: Vegan


  • 18 oz. block tempeh
  • 5 cups vegetable broth (depending on pan depth)
  • 1 Tbsp. Tamari (or soy sauce)
  1. Slice the tempeh into strips and crumble into pieces (thumbnail size).
  2. Place the tempeh into a pan, cover with broth and 1 tablespoon tamari (or soy sauce) and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the crumbles and press the sides of the colander to get as much liquid out as possible.
  4. Use tempeh crumbles in your favorite recipes. We've got a list for you and more on the way.


  • Nutritional information per serving will depend on how you use your tempeh crumbles.
  • Make sure you have enough broth in the pan so that all the liquid doesn't cook away as you simmer the tempeh.
  • You can use the same process for simmering tempeh if you are preparing it as strips for tempeh bacon or other uses.
  • You can prepare the tempeh crumbles and store them in the fridge for up to 4 days before using.
  • If you want to ramp up the infusion for simmered tempeh, consider adding spices or ingredients such as crushed garlic, minced ginger, dried chilis, or other aromatics that will compliment your final dish.

Keywords: make perfect tempeh crumbles


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